Moments on the ridge
Amid flickering lights
As we revel in the free fall of
Of a stroboscopic tree run.

Time crashes against
The mountain's heavy brow and
The trail is lost.
Aspens await
Like playground bullies to push
Us around
This black hole
Of steep.

As Shadows beckons us to
Trace pencil lines
Between aspens,
Between pines.
We face
The unsought wisdom
Of choice

A restless sea of skiers' tracks
Rages amongst the trees.
Shadows is a tangled
Crowded with circumstance.

Suspended on the edge
Ski tips address the
jury of
Tree and slope.
How to take that dive
Into the cracked mirror of
Sunlight, it's
Shards scattered
Across the snow.

Once in Shadows
All possibilities occur at once.
It's a quantum rodeo,
A whip crack
Of gravity.